Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Small Group Today, May 30, 2012

I didn't remember my camera last week when we had a larger group. Today, there were four of us. We are back in the Rectory and, as you can see, we have fun at our Prayer Shawl Ministry. It blesses us as much as it blesses those who receive the knitted or crocheted shawls.

Even when there are only four of us, we have fun!
 Jan and Mary are folding and stacking shawls and lap robes
neatly in the storage cabinet designed just for them.

Alyce gets down to the business of knitting
while Mary and Jan clown around a bit. Smile.
We are so happy to have Alyce back with us. After
snow birding in Arizona all winter, she's back in Oregon.

Some shawls and lap robes waiting to be blessed.
Father Karl has been away and some have built up since he left.
He flew to Portland yesterday and is driving back to North Bend today.

 Peace & Blessings!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Prayer Shawl Knitters & Crocheters

Wednesday, May 2, 2012, we met in the Parish Hall since the Rectory is being painted.

Gini, Barbara, Mary, Jan and June in Holy Redeemer Parish Hall,
knitting and crocheting on Wed., 5/2/12. Gail is behind camera.

Barbara's recently finished crocheted shawl. Beautiful!
Navy blue on table is a laprobe in progress.

Gini working on a striped laprobe.

Jan and June.

Small groups like this are wonderful opportunities for
friendships to form, offering healthy interaction and support.

We assist one another with our projects and other things.
Consider starting a Prayer Shawl Ministry at your church. The benefits far exceed the wonderful shawls that are presented to the ill and grieving.

Peace and Blessings to you and yours.